Day 1- Learning the Ropes

So today was the first day of my summer RET program at Boston University.  If you’ve been following my last post, you know I’m working on a Biophotonics research experience for teachers with BUSAT.

I ended up driving in from Sunderland and made it to BU around 8:15 am.  I hung out and read some news articles in the first floor lounge of the College of Arts and Sciences.  Everyone showed up by 9 am, and we got started meeting with Nate.  We worked and came up with a very rough idea of a timeline.

Nate left us to start working on a more concrete timeline.  Fjodor and I worked on this timeline and also started to review the laboratories and supplies that we would need. 

We then had a brown bag lunch with our lab, in which we heard about a balloon group’s results from their recent trip to Colorado for Shot II.

The afternoon was full of more work of finding out what supplies we needed.  We worked on this for the rest of the afternoon and that’s how we finished our day!